Ralco’s focus on nutrient conversion led us to launch a revolutionary approach to swine diet formulation in 2004. EnMAX® is Ralco’s unique diet approach that overcomes waste in digestion and provides more efficient energy for pigs at a lower cost to producers.
While other companies formulate diets with high levels of soybean meal and fat, EnMAX® diets typically use 28% less soybean meal allowing for less expensive ingredients such as corn.

EnMAX® diets are able to use less soybean meal and fat because Ralco looks at nutrients differently with a proprietary understanding of the true energy in ingredients. This knowledge coupled with the use of crystalline amino acids and enzymes make it much easier for pigs to absorb nutrients and causes less digestive stress. As a result, pigs stay cooler with less heat stress challenges.
Ralco EnMAX® Diet Formulation
Less soybean meal and fat
Focuses on nutrient conversion with reduced waste and less digestive stress
Easy to absorb ingredients, crystalline amino acids and supplemental enzymes
Cooler diets with less heat stress
More room for lower cost ingredients such as corn
More efficient gain
Typical Swine Diet Formulation
High levels of soybean meal and fat
Wasted energy
Harder for pigs to digest
Increases heat increment and heat stress
More expensive
Less efficient gain
Research trials show consistent results and advantages for producers implementing EnMAX® swine nutrition.
In a 6,000 head comparison study, EnMAX® fed pigs had better performance with less soybean meal and fat. EnMAX® pigs were more efficient with less water consumption, increased average daily gain (ADG) and reduced mortality for a significant economic advantage to the producer.

Ralco’s EnMAX® diets have benefits beyond just improved production performance. Producers feeding EnMAX® experience environmental benefits with waste reductions and savings in manure volume, ammonia in the air and nitrogen in manure.
This is due to EnMAX® diets containing 1-4% less crude protein than competitive diets.